Helping You Start & Grow Your Business So You Can Fire Your Boss

Helping You Start & Grow Your Business So You Can Fire Your Boss

Monday, January 07, 2008

10 Tips For Moving Your Business Forward In 2008

By Audrey Bell-Kearney

As we close out the last quarter of 2007, we can reflect back on how business was for the year and then create a vision for what we want to see happen in 2008. So I wanted to share 10 helpful tips with you for preparing your business for 2008

1. Visualize in detail what you want this year. Be very specific and write it down on paper.

2. Create a goal list for what you want to see happen for 2008

3. Take a look at your business to see if you are hitting your target market. If you are not then, take some more time out to see just who your target market is.

4. Write out your marketing plan for 2008. This is why it is really important to know who that market is so that your plan can be geared toward them.

5. Get rid of all unnecessary stuff. For example books, papers, old business cards etc. Just clean house. Another thing you may want to do is to take a look at money that you are spending on services that you don’t use. I did this recently and realized that I was spending $450 a month on services that I have not used since the day I signed up for them. Now I can take this $450 and reinvest it back into my business

6. If you are working alone, you must build yourself a small team. This will help you move forward, because members of your team can take on projects that you don’t like and are not good at.

7. Find some partners that can help you grow your business. This may be someone in a non-competing business. The two of you can cross promote each other.

8. Do some networking this year. Create great relationships. After all great relationships help your business grow, because people do business with people they like.

9. Educate yourself on your industry. If you want to be an expert in your field you have to stay on top of the things that are happening. You must make a commitment to yourself that you will continue to learn. Buy videos, go online and read about what’s happening, go to the library, go to workshops, get on tele-seminars, buy training CDs and subscribe to industry magazines and publications. Do whatever you have to be that expert that people seek out in your field.

10. Surround yourself with positive people. I can’t tell you how important this is. When you are around positive people your mind set will be positive. If you are around people who aren’t doing anything but complaining and moping around, this will bring you down and make you unproductive. Find positive people who are doing the things that you like or things that are similar and surround yourself with them.

Happy New Year

Audrey Bell-Kearney is the President of Sister Inc. and the author of The Sister Inc Blueprint For Starting And Running A Successful Business. For more business questions or to book Audrey for a speaking engagement email her at or call her at 973-762-4300

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