Helping You Start & Grow Your Business So You Can Fire Your Boss

Helping You Start & Grow Your Business So You Can Fire Your Boss

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Guerilla PR

One of the best ways to get your name out there is through PR. Some people have mastered the skill of PR and have actually used what’s called guerilla pr to get mass exposure for their business. When you are trying to find ways to get noticed you have to think outside the box and strategically. If you are not in the position to hire a Publicist, then you will have to learn all that you can about how to use pr. That’s what I did.

My Case Study

When I started my first company, my partner and I did not have a clue about marketing or pr. We just jumped right in and started doing a business that we did not know about as well. We quickly realized that we needed people to know that our little doll company existed. I remembered a book that I had read about 3 years earlier called The Personal Touch by Terrie Williams. Terrie Williams was a publicist for top mega superstars like Eddie Murphy at the time. In the book she made some really good points about giving everything that you do the personal touch and also how to think outside the box so that you get noticed. So when I started this new company with my business partner I read the book again and from this reading I came up with a guerilla pr idea that got my company written up in a national magazine. So I am going to share with you what I did.

We were new and trying to get our name out there, so I decided to put together this pr plan that would help us. Here is what I did.

I went to the library and the book store and I pulled all of the magazines that I wanted my company to be featured in. I find out who were the editors and wrote down their names and addresses.
When I thought about doing this plan it was a few days before Valentines Day, so I went to the 99 cents store and purchased candy, small white gift boxes, tape and Valentine gift wrapping paper.
Then I went home and typed up a press release and put it in the box with the candy. I warped the boxes so that the back of the boxes was left open for the address. I put together 20 boxes like this and mailed them off.

What Happened Next!

Well I got a call from a national magazine called Emerge and they wanted to run our story. I was so happy, but before they could actually run the story the magazine folded. But it did not stop there. The story then got picked up by another magazine called Heart& Soul. They called me to tell me that they wanted to run the story and I was elated. They sent out their photographer and he took the pictures for the magazine story in my apartment. They ran almost a half page story under their Sisterhood Network section and our picture was right there on the page with song diva Kelly Price. We got major attention and it just kept coming. So now you can see how powerful guerilla PR can be.

Audrey Bell-Kearney is the President of Sister Inc Network and the author of The Sister Inc Blueprint For Starting And Running A Successful Business. She can be reached at 973-762-4300 or

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